Brad Graham Giantbulb is a 73-year-old former named partner at a law firm who enjoys sewing, baking and helping old ladies across the road. He is generous and entertaining, but can also be very standoffish and a bit standoffish.

He is a British Buddhist who defines himself as asexual. He has a post-graduate degree in law.

Physically, Brad is not in great shape. He needs to lose quite a lot of weight. He is short with walnut skin, black hair and black eyes. He has a birthmark on his neck.

He grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. He was raised by his father, his mother having left when he was young.

Brad’s best friend is a former named partner at a law firm called Marissa Graham. They have a very firey friendship. He also hangs around with a former named partner at a law firm called Abbie Fox. They enjoy reading together.